About Me.
My name is Chris Ford and some people know me as FORDY. I started running after getting out of shape after the birth of my daughters. My brother in law said to me the best way to shed the pounds was too lace up and hit the road. At the time I was weighing in at nearly 15 stone (95kg/210 pounds) so I needed to take action! Having young kids and working full time I was finding it hard to fit in some time to do any form of exercise. So I went online shipped in a pair of running shoes and started pounding the pavement! I lost 5 stone and fell in love with running. From that I went to on to found the biggest running club in the UK. I work full time, manage my own business, create content, host a twice weekly podcast and train for marathons! Be kind to people who help you.

Who am I
Athletics Coach Endurance
Running Coach
I have gone through the England Athletics coaching system and qualified as an Athletics Coach specialising in endurance and also qualified as a Running Coach.
Podcast host
My background is not in content creation. I enjoy the making of videos and podcasts and all that it entails. The enjoyment I get from filming and documenting my training is huge and the fact people watch it blows my mind still!
Not an influencer
It is important to never lose sight of the fact I am a runner. I have founded the largest club in the country to give more runners like me a home, a family, where no one cares how fast your run or how far. I am trying to get better at running each day and the joy it gives me is sacred to me.
Running helps me
I am late diagnosed Autistic and also enjoy living with ADHD. This just means I am wired slightly different to others. Running helps me manage being on spectrum and the challenges it can bring. For me the more I talk about my struggles the more I hope I can help others like me.